Company overview

特許・意匠・文献の調査・解析など知的財産情報のネットス(大阪・東京) > ENGLISH

About NETS


We are specialize in search and information analysis of intellectual property, which patent attorney, Noboru Fujimoto, founded in 1987, and we perform unique activity as a partner of Fujimoto & Partners.
We are not a simple search company, our group’s patent attorney’s office and we work as one and we make an analysis, explanation, and assessment of the results of the search in collaboration with patent attorneys. Consequently, we’ve gained an excellent reputation for high reliability for the results of the search and the judgment by our clients.
Moreover, our search is speedy, accurate, and that has high quality, and the search fee is reasonable.
Especially, requests for patent mapping are increasing from the viewpoint of enterprises’ new business developments and their own technologies’ advantage evaluation against other enterprises’ and valuation of their patents. Therefore, we developed original computer software to respond them, and we’ve gained an excellent reputation by our clients.
Furthermore, most of our clients are listed companies, and we are highly evaluated as a company, which search and information analysis of intellectual property.

Our service

Search Service

  • Patent Search Service
  • Design Patent Search Service
  • Non – Patent Technical literature Search

Types of searches we provide

  • Novelty Search
  • Collection Search
  • Infringement Search/Freedom-to-Operate/Clearance Search
  • Validity/Invalidity Search
Information Analysis Service
Information Analysis-image

Patent Mapping Service

We can provide Patent Mapping service to grasp and analyze technology trends and the development trend of competitors.

Design Patent Mapping Service

We can provide Design Patent Mapping service to grasp and analyze design trends of competitors or specific article.

Translation Service
Translation-imageWe can translate Patent specifications and Patent related documents (gazettes, office actions, trial & decision, etc.)

Corporate profile

Company name Nets Co., Ltd.
Location Osaka Head Office
Sakaisuji-Inabata Bldg. 2F,15-14 Minamisemba 1-chome,Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081 JAPAN
TEL:+81-6(6261)2990 FAX:+81-6(6261)2993
Tokyo Office
Ichihara Building 3F,1-8,Hirakawacho 1-chome,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-0093 JAPAN
TEL:+81-3(3237)4390 FAX:+81-3(3237)4391


  • お電話でのお問い合わせ
    • 大阪06-6261-2990
    • 東京03-5777-3263
  • メールでのお問い合わせ
  • ネットスの特徴
  • 業務フローチャート
  • Sun・Group YouTubeチャンネル
株式会社ネットス 【本社】 大阪市中央区南船場1丁目15番14号 堺筋稲畑ビル2階 5階(総合受付) 【東京支社】 東京都千代田区平河町1-1-8 麹町市原ビル3階 ご相談・お問い合わせ 国内外の特許・意匠・文献の調査・解析など、知的財産に関することならお気軽にご相談下さい。 ご相談・お問い合わせ お電話でのお問い合わせ 06-6261-2990(大阪) 03-3237-4390(東京)